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When conducting team analyses, you can find inspiration and download a PowerPoint for an EASI workshop in English.



In our toolkit you find a collection of exercises to use in a team or group context: EASI toolkit.

Here are some exercises you can use with your team or group to promote understanding and development based on EASI results:

Personality Type Discussion:

Have each team member share their EASI personality type and discuss how their style affects their work and interactions with others. This helps build awareness and understanding within the team.

Strengths and Development Areas:

Ask each person to reflect on their strengths and potential areas for development based on their EASI report. Then, have them share with the group, focusing on how they can leverage their strengths in the team context and what support they need for growth.

Behavior and Motivation Alignment:

Using the results of the gap analysis (behavior vs. motivation), have team members identify areas where their actions and motivations align or differ. Discuss how this impacts their daily work and how the team can help ensure that people are doing tasks they are both good at and enjoy.


Team Roles Mapping:

Based on EASI personality types, map out the roles within the team. This will help identify any gaps in team dynamics and potential areas where individuals can step up or support one another more effectively. The PPT you find on top of this page will help you structure this exercise.


Group Development Plan:

Have the team collectively create a development plan using the suggested development points from their reports. This helps establish shared goals and accountability within the group.

These exercises encourage communication, collaboration, and growth, making it easier for the team to leverage their diverse strengths.


Communication Styles of the EASI Types:

For those who wish to conduct an exercise to practice the communication styles of the EASI types, you can find the materials in English here.